Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Unplug, switch off, and save!

Today, we decided to focus on saving energy by turning off lights and unplugging appliances when they are not in use or no longer needed.  Next week, we will work on making posters and announcements to encourage the school in joining us in this project.  Do you have any great ideas to promote energy conservation at our school?  What about some knowledge or cool facts on the subject that would get us thinking about the importance of saving energy?  Jot down your thoughts by commenting below or come to our next meeting with your awesome ideas! 

1 comment:

  1. I already found some cool links to go along with our theme! Check them out on the right hand side - just click on Energy Conservation and you'll see them there. I'll add more as I find them. Did you find anything cool on the web to share?
