Sunday, October 27, 2013

Saskatoon Tosses More Trash Than Most, says Star Phoenix

I saw this headline today at the grocery store and I just had to post it here.  I know that we have decided to focus on energy conservation right now but I think that this article will come in handy for our next possible theme, waste reduction!  If you would like to read the article, which says that people Saskatoon throw away more trash than nearly every other city in Canada (yikes!), click here.   We will definitely pick this up at a later date. 

For now, remember to bring your writing and colouring utensils at lunch recess this Tuesday, so that we can decorate our posters and write announcements to promote saving energy at École Victoria.  See you then!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Unplug, switch off, and save!

Today, we decided to focus on saving energy by turning off lights and unplugging appliances when they are not in use or no longer needed.  Next week, we will work on making posters and announcements to encourage the school in joining us in this project.  Do you have any great ideas to promote energy conservation at our school?  What about some knowledge or cool facts on the subject that would get us thinking about the importance of saving energy?  Jot down your thoughts by commenting below or come to our next meeting with your awesome ideas! 

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Brainstorming session

Today we had our first brainstorming session.  This is what we decided on for our purpose:
Here is a list of ideas of things we could do this year in Destination: Conservation.  I'm sure that there are even more great ideas that will pop up this year!
We are always accepting new members. So if you would like to join us we will see you next Tuesday!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Destination: conservation's first meeting is this Wednesday!

Mme Hamilton and I are very excited to begin Destination: Conservation this Wednesday, October 2nd at lunch recess.  We are hoping to have a good mix of younger and older students so that we can get a lot done at our school this year.  If you are in grade 5, 6, 7, or 8, please consider joining us and being a leader in our club.  It will be awesome to have you join us!

Can't wait to see you Wednesday after lunch!

Mme Hegarty

Friday, September 20, 2013

New beginnings

Last year I began this blog with the hopes of launching it to keep parents of our club members informed of intiatives and the goings-on in our club. Unfortunately, it just got too busy to really get it going so it never made it past one post (and I never gave out the address either!). It is my intention to make better use of this blog this year and so I do intend on sharing the link with the community. With all that being said, we are planning on launching Destination: Conservation on Wednesdays during lunch recess (for grades 2 to 8 students) very soon, so stay tuned!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Earth Hour

Last Saturday, April 23 between 8:30 and 9:30pm was Earth Hour, an event sponsored by the World Wildlife Federation to encourage people around the world to turn off their lights and save electricity for one hour.  Our school held a mini-Earth hour on Friday between 2:40 and 3:30pm, and even the hall lights were turned off during this time.

Many thanks to the administrative and custodial staff for their support in making this happen, as well as all the classroom teachers and their students who participated!

According to news sources, Saskatchewan didn't make a huge impact during this year's event.  The good news however is that we did better than last year when Saskatchewan's power consumption went up during that time!  We'll have to do even better as a province next year.

What did you do for earth hour?